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Personalized bat or bar mitzvah in Israel

Ezrat Israel/ Azrat Israel/ Robinson's Arch/ Egalitarian Kotel or the location of your choice


Create a service that matches you:

Secular, Reform, Conservative, Modern Orthodox or Just Jewish

Israelbatmitzvahs/ bar mitzvahs' boutique, custom-made bar and bat mitzvah events in Israel (or other destinations) will leave lasting memories of pride, joy & connection for all who share in the celebration.


Before the ceremony, I will connect with you to learn about your background, personalities, religious and logistical preferences. I will go over the service, helping  involve family and friends. My pastoral experience will help navigate family dynamics that often surface during lifecycle events.


I am also a licensed tour guide and can craft a tour with themes that connect with the b.m. sservice. I can also suggest ideas for independent touring, restaurants, photographer etc. so you can relax & enjoy the day.

Looking forward to hearing from you today!

How it works

1. Schedule a call to make sure we click.  2. Decide on a date and place and reserve it.  3. Together, create service outline and assign the parts to the b. m., family, guests etc.  4. Start learning- at home, online or with me.  5. Prepare speech/dvar Torah. I suggest you do it in person in your community, but I can do tutoring if you want.  6. Review everything.  7. Meet when you get to Israel and go over the service.  8. Get a good night's sleep and breakfast and meet at the destination for a beautiful day!

 A variety of locations across Israel

Whether it is the egalitarian section of the Western Wall (Ezrat Israel/ Robinson's Arch), the Davidson Archeological Garden (The Southern Wall or Hulda Gates), the Haas Promenade (Tayelet), Masada, Ein Gedi Ancient synagogue, hotel, kibbutz or nature reserve, the location sets the tone for the ceremony. Contact me to discuss the best location, time of year and time of day for your child's dream bar or bat mitzvah.

Ezrat Israel/ Robinson's Arch/ Egalitarian Kotel/ Masorti Kotel/ Family Western Wall, Jerusalem


How to get to Ezrat Israel/Robinson's Arch/ Egalitarian Kotel:

Do not write Ezrat Israel in Waze - it has the wrong info. Walk from Jaffa Gate about 20 mins, taxi from main downtown hotels or shuttle for 7 people from Jaffa Gate about 15 mins, city bus 38 or 883A from First Station about 25 mins. At the Kotel roundabout, look for the Israeli flag and stairs that say Ezrat Israel. You do not go through security into the Western Wall area.

Tell the guard you are there for a service and follow the path to the platform.

There are steps.  A small elevator is accessible via the Davidson archeological gardens. From inside the Dung Gate walk left 5 meters, right 15 meters then right into the glass entrance. Bathrooms outside. You cross under the road then get to the elevator. Worth visiting the newly-renovated museum and film about life in Second Temple times.

Davidson Archeological Gardens/ Southern Wall, Jerusalem


Haas Promenade, Jerusalem


Not an official site, need to bring our own Torah, chairs, table and siddurim, good for small services in pleasant weather.

In the North: Tzipori National Park

Celebrate at the ancient synagogue in the town where the Mishna was written 1820 years ago.

In the Golan: Ein Keshatot

Bring this ancient synagogue - with the oldest ark and bima found in Israel - to life with your service! Excellent visitor's center, snack-bar, exceptionally clean bathrooms, optional tour of the nearby natural springs.

Near the Dead Sea: Massada

A symbol of ancient and modern Jewish strength, Massada requires some creative logistics but is a breathtaking and powerful site for a bat mitzvah or bat mitzvah.


Myrna Smith, age 70, Toronto

“Rabbi Miriam, I have wanted to become Bat Mitzvah for many decades and I finally had the chance to do it at Robinson’s Arch with you officiating and a group of ten dear friends. Thank you for making my dream a reality! It was exactly what I had hoped for. My heart is full, and I am leaving Israel on a high, hopefully to return again soon.”

Allison Carmen, NY

“Thank you thank you thank you! I could not have imagined a nicer service. The southern wall was intimate and personal. I so appreciated the time that you spent explaining the service as well as leading us in prayer and meditation. The sounds of drums and songs in the background were perfect. The western wall was loud and chaotic. We loved it! Thank you for being so open, flexible and creative with the service. It was so special for Morgan and the rest of the family. You are a beautiful person and I feel very blessed to have crossed paths.”

A. S., San Francisco

“It was perfect, everything we had hoped for and more.”

©2020 by ravmiriam.

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