Bat Mitzvah and Bar Mitzvah services at Ezrat Israel/ Robinson's Arch/ Egalitarian Kotel or other sites in Israel or Europe
Make your wedding one to remember
Personalized. Boutique. Egalitarian.

Weddings in Israel or abroad
Yes, it's possible to "dance at two weddings" blending the moving aspects of a traditional Jewish wedding with modern adjustments. If you choose, the bride can give the groom a ring and be a more active part of the service, and you can add personal vows, include female friends as speakers, and choose the singers for the 7 brachot.
You can make the wedding more personal than an average Israeli wedding by meeting with me before the wedding and create a service that matches your values and vision of the day. I can also join you for a "destination wedding" and arrange for a local marriage license.

Classes about Mikveh and Taharat HaMishpacha or couples counseling before the wedding
By the author of Taking the Plunge: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to the Mikveh
Learn how to communicate better about the "hot topics" (sex, money, children, in-laws). Build a solid base for the marriage as well as for the magical wedding day.